Farmers’ Markets Are So Expensive

Farmers' Markets Too Expensive

by Azélia on 21/08/2011

in Family Life,Ingredient List,Places / Trips,Vegetables

The market is a familiar place for me.  I was brought up the first 10 years of my life by my Gran, who would often take me to our local town market on a Friday to sell her small bag of home grown beans and a couple of rabbits or hens, live and kicking.  Once they were sold she would then use the money to buy things she needed.  

This morning after brunch in central London I was very close to the Marylebone High Street farmers’ market and couldn’t resist spending all the cash I had.    I wish firstly I could have a produce market closer to me but also one I could afford to shop realistically for a family.  It would be very different to only have to shop for Bikerboy and I but having to make daily meals for five of us, farmers’ markets become a day out treat rather than an affordable weekly event.

All you can see in the photo below;  yellow carrots, baby courgettes, red chard, pink beetroot and just one tomato came to £9.10 in one of the vegetable stalls.

Below: The three very large pink garlic bulbs cost me £5, the one large yellow tomato was 75pence.  

I was very pleased to find the green leaf below, sorrel.  I rarely see it and if I didn’t have young kids and therefore more time on my hands it’s something I would grow easily in large tubs along with lettuces. 

As well as the colourful vegetables I was curious to taste other people’s rye bread, bought a quarter of Pumpernickel on the left and on the right a quarter of rye sourdough looking very grand and attractive with its cracked surface.

Yellow is definitely the new colour for vegetables at the moment…I could’ve also picked yellow beetroots instead of the pink rose ones below.

What produce markets do for cooks is to inspire what you’re going to make from simply looking at the displays, deciding and planning meals around what looks good to you.  What I enjoyed this morning even if it’s a tiny farmers’ market like this one was buying something different from what’s usually available to me…even if all you see here cost me over £20!  

Where I wish I could shop is in a large produce market like the one in Gregoire’s home town Martigny here…very very nice.


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Gloria August 21, 2011 at 3:27 pm

What beautiful pictures. Your £20+ covered not only the cost of the produce but also the enjoyment looking at such fabulous visual delights, and you got some great pictures. All round a bargain I’d say!

Gregoire August 21, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Thanks for the mention Azelia :)
You’re right, it seems to be very expensive and it’s a shame… the currency exchange also doesn’t help much these days!

Azélia August 21, 2011 at 4:10 pm

While writing the post I’ve resolved my situation Gloria – sell the kids! win win! ;-)

Azélia August 21, 2011 at 4:12 pm

Your market looks gorgeous Gregoire, very envious of it…I think fresh produce generally has become expensive but in places like this where the growers are very small and come from afar then in order to make it viable they have to charge enough to cover and make a profit.

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